Expert Physio Treatment for Melbourne Runners

Specialist Running
Physio Clinic

Are you dealing with a running injury? Our physiotherapy team understand the impact of injuries on both body and mind. We’re dedicated to treating and preventing running injuries. Book a consult to receive a comprehensive diagnosis, guidance on key factors like training loads, muscle strength and running technique, and a tailored plan to help you return to your best.

Our approach to running injuries

Our team of physiotherapists and health professionals at Complete are world experts in the management of running injuries. Knowing the effect injury has on a runners musculoskeletal and mental health, we are passionate about preventing them in the first place. We will diagnose your injury and help you to understand the key factors you need to address, which may include training loads, muscle strength and capacity, and running technique.

Our physios treat common causes of running pain on a daily basis

Common running injuries we specialise in

Team Members

Our Specialist Running Physio Team

We are a team guided by advanced research, extensive practical expertise and a passion for assisting all types of runners, from local parkrun participants to elite distance runners.

Clinical Director, Exercise Services Lead
Physiotherapist, Pilates, Running injury expert
How do we treat running injuries at Complete?

The causes of running injury vary depending on both the specific injury and individual characteristics. Our expert team at Complete will provide you with a thorough assessment to determine the most appropriate management plan. You will be provided with an optimal and progressive management plan consisting of running re-education (i.e. changing technique), education, exercise prescription and physiotherapy,  Importantly, we complete a thorough running video analysis of each runner we treat to ensure we identify and correct any faulty movement patterns. In most runners we will also use the biomechanical analysis to facilitate running retraining (i.e. changing technique), a missing link in successfully managing many chronic running injuries.

Running rehabilitation training program in Melbourne.

Running technique assessment

Thorough biomechanical assessment, including screening muscle capacity, joint mobility and running technique

Comprehensive running assessments using the latest tech.

We can provide a comprehensive running technique screening

Running is a skill we learn from a very young age and is built into our DNA. It comes about from development of man, when a fight or flight response was required to overcome a danger. However, people participate in running now for both fitness and leisure, and like other leisure time activities such as golf and tennis, running skill varies and can be improved with coaching and training. Research shows running injuries occur in up to 80% who participate each year, and a number of factors require consideration, including technique, strength and flexibility.

Would I benefit from a running technique assessment?

Running more and getting sore?  Perhaps you want to improve your running technique? Here are some pictures of a patient doing a running assessment.

Anyone, who is thinking about taking up running as an activity is likely to benefit from a screening and analysis to reduce their injury risk and ensure that running continues to be enjoyable. A running screening can benefit anyone from sporadic runners to high performing athletes. We can identify areas that can be limiting your performance and make adaptation to help you reach and exceed your personal best.

What does a running technique assessment involve?

The screening involves an hour appointment. During this session we will have a look at how you move and identify any areas of which lack flexibility or which are weak – the presence of these impairments often lead to injuries during running. Following the screening, we will video your running technique on the treadmill or outside, allowing us to identify any modifications we can make to your technique, to also help minimise your risk of injury, and in some cases improve your performance.

At the conclusion of the screening, we will make recommendations and introduce some strength exercises to help make the adaptations to your running technique and also address any of variations we have found in the screening form.

Community Partners

We are pleased to work with members of two local community running groups – the Hawthorn Run group and Crosbie Crew. These groups offer structured training, great resources and opportunities to meet like-minded people.

crosbie crew run_club

Awesome experience. Christian and David not only treated my knee issues (patellofemoral pain) but corrected my running technique and taught me how to self manage flareups. Can’t rate highly enough

– Ann B

I had ongoing pain and discomfort in both of my hips for a number of years which was preventing me from running, playing hockey and netball ….. I had seen a number of physios in the past to treat my injury but they never really seemed to fix the problem in the long term ….. Throughout my treatment I have been able to build up my running again and have just completed the 10km Run Melbourne event with a personal best time!

– Caroline Bailey

I had been training for my first half marathon and the knee pain was getting to the point where I had to stop running. I saw Christian, who examined the injury as well as my running technique, and explained how my movement patterns were contributing to my injury. He gave me a home exercise program and some instructions on correcting my running technique. Over a few appointments Christian measured my progress by re-assessing my running technique, which we were both able to watch and compare to previous appointments. I feel that my knee injury was a blessing in disguise as now I’m not only free of my knee pain, but I am running better and further than I ever have. This has been a truly valuable experience and I couldn’t be happier.

– Sarah Plummer (Podiatrist)

Just thought if let you know that I did the Berlin marathon on Sunday…finishing in 11 min pb. My hamstrings were absolutely fine…yippee!! Thank you so much for all your help in getting me back running and managing my training so I could run the marathon. I just loved running in Berlin… I’d recommend (and do recommend ) you guys to others with running injuries because you really know your stuff!

– Sarah Chinnick

From potential surgery to a marathon!

One of our clients, Matthew participated in a physiotherapy exercise program with Christian, aiding him in avoiding surgery and enabling him to run a marathon just 4 months later!

Located in Melbourne

We’re a Melbourne based physiotherapy clinic located in Richmond at 656 Bridge Rd. We have a particular interest in running injuries and regularly provide Telehealth appointments for country, interstate and international patients.