Complete Q& A – Ellie Pashley

Dave spoke with Ellie Pashley in Dec 2020 – An elite distance runner. They discuss her training schedule, the nuts and bolts of building a running plan and the importance of strength training. title=”YouTube video player” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share” referrerpolicy=”strict-origin-when-cross-origin” allowfullscreen>

Managing heel pain in the sporting child/adolescent: A look at Sever’s

Sever’s disease is a common source of heel pain in growing children, adolescents, and teenagers[1]. What is Sever’s? Sever’s is a condition (or, injury) that occurs where the Achilles tendon (end of the calf muscle) attaches to the back of the heel bone. In the growing body, the tendon starts to pull at the back […]

Rotator cuff related pain: the most common cause of shoulder pain

What is the Rotator Cuff related pain? It is characterized by pain involving various activities like lifting the arm, carrying heavy load, wearing a seat belt etc. Commonly people also feel pain when sleeping and with shoulder activities that involve reaching behind their back. What structures are affected? It is referred to as rotator cuff […]

Osgood-Schlatter’s Disease

Key Facts about Osgood-Schlatters A childhood repetitive-use injury that causes a pain below the kneecap Affects 1 in 10 adolescents between the age group of 9-15 years Pain commonly occurs during running , jumping sports  like basketball ,soccer , gymnastics and athletics The condition has traditionally been to resolve within 12-18 months with rest being […]

sore lower back GLA:D Back – A new approach to managing your back pain.

We have been running GLA:D for people with hip and knee osteoarthritis for three years at Complete. Physio Exercise Performance. I have enjoyed watching how many people it has benefited, potential surgeries it has saved both at our clinic and across Australia in my role as program lead at La Trobe University. The program is […]

Knee arthroscopy: the downsides

Our Physiotherapist David Thwaites discusses the downsides of knee arthroscopy, including the risks, costs and long term outcomes. Knee Arthroscopy Vs Exercise for Osteoarthritis (OA) The message is slowly filtering through the medical community and the general population that knee arthroscopy is no better than exercise for osteoarthritis (OA).  More and more in my clinical […]

Bone Stress Injuries…. Runners Beware

  With the warmer months approaching, running training often ramps up for a lot of athletes. Bone Stress Injury (BSI) can be a dreaded injury for any runner due the potential for lengthy recovery times, sometimes well over 6 months. BSI’s represent the inability of bone to withstand repetitive loading, resulting in structural fatigue and […]

People with tendon pain need to be empowered with knowledge

Education is arguably the most important component of treatment for someone with tendon pain. This very brief blog goes through the major areas of knowledge that benefit people recovering from tendon pain (and many other conditions for that matter). The figure below also provides a summary of some of this information. 1) Pain and pain […]

5 General rules to managing hip pain

In this post by physiotherapist Mark Scholes, he discusses hip pain management, including important education on why hip MRI findings should be interpreted with caution. When managing patients with hip joint pain, my 5 general rules are: Don’t allow imaging findings to become a burden carried for life – they may be irrelevant. Perform a […]

“Scrutinising” your sources of information

Our physiotherapists talk through how to carefully decide how much to trust online information. In June last year, I published a blog post titled – “Injury Management: Shared-decision making in a digital age”. In that post, I discussed the notion of how digital technology is influencing the course of health and wellbeing management in the […]