Why Physiotherapy Can Help Prevent Surgery

Physiotherapy is a highly effective, evidence-based approach to managing musculoskeletal pain and injuries. At Complete we prioritise personalised treatment plans designed to address pain, improve mobility, and enhance overall function. Our goal is to optimise your recovery, minimise the need for surgical intervention, and get you back to the activities you enjoy. How Can Physiotherapy […]

Why do we run when it hurts? 5 key benefits of running

In Australia, nearly 4 million people are estimated to participate in running each year.3 If you want proof of this, head to the MCG in a couple of weeks and watch the countless runners at the Melbourne Marathon Festival. Only 19 days to go! Although popular, running can be risky business. A recent review reported […]

5 Tips to Help Knee Cap Pain

What is knee cap pain? Knee cap pain is the most common form of knee pain. Pain can be hard to pin point but may be around, behind, or under the knee cap. It affects both males and females of all activity levels and ages. It can cause problems that limit your ability to complete simple daily […]

sore lower back GLA:D Back – A new approach to managing your back pain.

We have been running GLA:D for people with hip and knee osteoarthritis for three years at Complete. Physio Exercise Performance. I have enjoyed watching how many people it has benefited, potential surgeries it has saved both at our clinic and across Australia in my role as program lead at La Trobe University. The program is […]

Running again with knee osteoarthritis at 79

Running again with knee osteoarthritis at 79 years old Take a look at this inspiring story! I have previously contributed to the topic of running with osteoarthritis in many posts on other platforms – here, here and here. In short: It is a myth that you cannot run with knee osteoarthritis. Some facts: Joints need […]

Physiotherapists must provide high value care

Dr Christian Barton shares an inspiring story about one of his patients, and discusses the importance of high value care in physiotherapy. Enter Christian… A couple of weeks ago, I sat down and watched TV. I don’t watch TV often. I don’t cry often. But an SBS Insight episode discussing surgery I couldn’t miss, and […]

Is VMO really that important to fix knee pain?

A lot of patients I see with patellofemoral pain who have failed to improve following exercise rehabilitation have spent substantial time trying to activate their VMO (Vastus Medialis Oblique) muscle. The questions we need to ask are: 1. Why have they focussed so much on exercising this little muscle? 2. Why hasn’t it worked? So […]

Is it ‘all in the hips’? Treating patellofemoral pain

Patellofemoral Pain Patellofemoral Pain affects people of all ages, from adolescents through to the elderly. Unfortunately, prognosis is often considered poor, although this may be the result of clinician’s poor understanding of how best to manage the condition. There are many factors to consider including quadriceps strength and function, foot motion and mobility, muscle flexibility, […]